
AIOCD Pharmasofttech AWACS Pvt Ltd launched a drug database named Druginfo having 170,000 packs and 70000 brands from 6000 companies. User can search the brand names and get their generic name, manufacturer name and MRP. Similarly generic name search will give the brands available for that generic. It can be accessible from mobile through GPRS by downloading the application to your mobile. Users who did not have GPRS can send an SMS as BTOG XXXXXX or GTOB YYYYY to 9220092200 to get the information (XXXXX is brand name and YYYY is generic name). User has to register with his mobile number to avail this facility. Trial subscription can be provided for one week. For further information please reach us at 044-24541520 or send email to helpdesk@aiocdawacs.com

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